USA vacuum ejectors Keywords

vacuum condenser water aspirator liquid ring pump non-metallic ejector working principle applications / industries vacuum generators (conveying, handling) other vacuum pumps America Asia Pacific Europe

AAHANA Giffard Systems AAHANA USA -
- 10685-B Hazelhurst Dr #1000 Houston TX 77043, USA

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AAHANA Giffard Systems is a leading engineering company. With over 48 years' experience in Ejector Vacuum and Cryogenic equipment's business. We provide highly efficient & reliable solutions that meet your requirements. AAHANA Giffard systems can offer our customers true global support, thanks to our production capacity in Germany, UK, South Korea and India and rep offices around the world.
products: Ejector Vacuum systems & Cryogenic equipment's

Steam Jet Ejector Vacuum systems, Thermo compressors, Air Ejector Hybrid Vacuum Systems, Hogger Ejectors, Steam Jet Liquid Heaters, Turbine Extraction systems, Gland Steam Condensers, Surface Condensers, Dump Steam Condensers, Turbine Condensers, , Cryogenic Storage Tanks, Cryogenic Transport Tanks, Ambient Vaporizer, LNG Satellite station, Regasification systems, Gas skids etc.

Artisan vacuum ejectors ARTISAN Industries Inc. -
- 44 Campanelli Parkway, Stoughton, MA 02072-3704, USA

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For over 65 years, JET-VAC® Technologies has been providing customers with custom vacuum solutions to help solve and provide efficient, reliable, process vacuum systems.
products: Vacuum systems and ejectors

Produced exclusively in the USA and maintained across the globe, JET-VAC Technologies has revolutionized the vacuum industry processes, by delivering safe, cost-effective, and durable vacuum solutions.

CROLL-REYNOLDS vacuum ejectors Croll Reynolds Co., Inc. - www
- Six Campus Drive, Parsippany, NJ 07054, USA

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Croll Reynolds products are sold throughout the world by factory-trained process vacuum system specialists. Croll Reynolds began manufacturing air pollution control systems in the 1950s utilizing technology developed by its Vacuum Division. The synergy between divisions continues to offer a powerful design and engineering advantage unique to the industry.
products: vacuum equipment and air pollution control systems

Croll Reynolds, Parsippany, NJ provides process vacuum equipment and high performance air pollution control systems.

Croll Reynolds' Vacuum Division designs and manufacturers steam jet ejectors, combination ejectors, liquid ring pump systems, vacuum chilling systems, thermocompressors, and other related equipment.

NASH Steam Jets Ejectors Gardner Denver Nash LLC - www.
- PO Box 130, Bentleyville, PA 15314, USA

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In 1987, KINEMA has been the first acquisition in the history of the NASH Engineering company. Today as NASH Gardner Denver we provide improved global service and technical support for liquid ring vacuum pumps, compressors and engineered systems through our technical centers, manufacturing plants and service centers strategically located around the world.
products: Steam Jets Ejectors

NASH ejectors are ideally suited to handle applications with large volumes, high vacuum levels, low molecular weight gases and low absolute pressures. Ejector designs are available in sizes ranging from one-inch to 78-inch inlets (2.5 cm to 2 m) and may be combined in various stages to meet your specific ejector application needs.

Ejector inlet capacities range from 20 to 20,000 CFM (35 to 34,000 m³/hr) or more at vacuum, and pressures as low as 0.001 mm Hg absolute can easily be accommodated. Ejectors can be manufactured in a variety of materials and require no moving parts, translating into trouble-free continuous ejector operation.

Graham vacuum ejectors GRAHAM Corporation - www.
- 20 Florence Avenue, Batavia, NY 14020, USA

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Graham Corporation designs and builds vacuum and heat transfer equipment for process industries throughout the world and is a worldwide leader in vacuum technology.
Principal markets served include the chemical, petrochemical, petroleum refining, and electric power generating industries, including cogeneration and geothermal plants. Other markets for Graham equipment are metal refining, pulp and paper, shipbuilding, water heating, refrigeration, desalination, food processing, pharmaceuticals, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning.
products: vacuum and heat transfer equipment for process industries

Graham pioneered the modern steam jet ejector system, and continues to improve its efficiency and performance.

We are the only steam jet ejector manufacturer that designs and manufactures all major components of the system. This single-unit responsibility allows us to guarantee unmatched ejector performance.

JLS International Inc. -
- 381 Fawn Lane, West Jefferson, NC 28694, USA

email, Tel.
products: Steam, Sump, Liquid, Air Ejector

producing Vacuum, Mixing, Conveying, Distillation, Crystallization.

Having no moving parts, no seals, no shafts, no packing, and no maintenance, our ejectors use steam, gas, or liquid as motive stream to transport, compress, or mix gas, steam, liquid, and/or powder.

Unique Systems vacuum ejectors Unique Systems, Inc. - www.
- 4 Saddle Road, Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927-1998, USA

email, Tel.

Over 60 years worth of accumulated knowledge and expertise gathered from the Elliott® Company, a former subsidiary of United Technologies® and an industry leader in Vacuum & Rotating Equipment. With over 25 years of building this type of equipment, we have acted as a manufacturing vendor for many well-known OEM's.
products: Ejector Vacuum Systems

Single-Stage, Multi-Stage, and Quickcheck® Ejector Vacuum Systems,

Direct-Contact (Barometric) and Shell & Tube (Surface) Condensers,

Eductors (Liquid-Operated Ejectors), Quickcheck Ejector Steamchests



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